
Friday, April 8, 2011

An Interesting Dream

I think it was two summers ago when what was intended to be just a mid day nap, turned into one of the most interesting experiences of my life.  I laid down on the couch and had the TV on, however nothing great was on so I ended up nodding off.  Somewhere along the line of the dream I was having I began to dream, inside the first dream.  I was now at dream level two.  Now for me at least dream level two is essentially a cocktail of many psychedelic drugs, all taken at once.  I don't remember specifics but it was definitely one of the most amazing but bizarre dreams I have ever had.  Interestingly enough, even though I was dreaming two times already, some of the things from the TV managed to make there way all the way down to level two and manifest themselves further leading to the insanity.  Eventually I woke up from level two and oddly enough was in the same position on the couch that I had gone to sleep in.  Since I was in the same position, thought I was awake and stood up and walked about five feet before fully opening my eyes.  Immediately I woke up in real life extremely confused as to how I was back in this position.  My immediate thought was that I had teleported, but reality soon sank in.  To this day I have never experienced something like this in a dream but it was truly one unique experience.       
No mushrooms were consumed surprisingly 


  1. I think we've all had dreams like that. Those are the ones I especially hate though.. Thinking I've actually done something and then wake up and remember that what you've done wasn't even real.

  2. This is awesome! Love it! keep up the great work!

  3. That's happened to me before. It's pretty crazy.

  4. Haha re-read this because I was bored and for some reason your last line got me cracking up!

  5. "no mushrooms were consumed" LOL

  6. Haha, I wish that would happen to me, that sounds amazing xD

  7. i wish i had dreams like that XD.
